スワミ パラマートマーナンダ サラスヴァティ来日特別講話 Swami Paramatmananda Saraswati Vedanta Talks in Japan



We were able to complete all the talks without any problems.

Thank you to everyone who participated!

From now on, the first and second weekends of October will be the fixed days for special lectures, so please make sure to save your schedule now!

2024 特別講話は終了しました。Special Lecture Ended

◎9/28(土)29(日)神戸 御影公会堂 100名 in  Mikage Public Hall,Kobe 100pople】

バガヴァッド・ギーター第16章 『神聖な質』 Bhagavad Gita Ch16 Devin Quality  10:00-17:00

◎10/5(土)東京 吉祥寺 Tokyo Kichijoji @yoga studio  

『ヨーガ・スートラ第2章 ニヤマ』Yoga Sutra Ch,2 Niyam  17:00-18:30

 ◎10/6(日)東京 大正記念館 100名 in Taisho Memorial Hall,Tokyo 

『人生における成功とは?』Successful Living 10:00-17:00

The lecture will be held in English, Japanese interpreters will be included.


○寄付受付 Donation form >>Here



In the country of Veda, this universe is alive, and it is called Isvara, or Bhagavan.  The stars move, the seasons change, rain falls, flowers bloom from one grain seed.   The order of the living universe is called Dharma. In Vedanta, the last chapter of Veda, it is said that knowledge of Moksha can stay only in the beautiful mind of the yogis who live in a life of Yoga. Even time and space cannot confine me. Knowing that is the true nature of oneself, yogis will get limitless freedom, Moksha.The talks will be given by Swami ji who is an embodiment of Vedic culture, and it is invaluable opportunity for you to be exposed to  the essence of Vedanta directly. Come and join us.  In the country of Veda, this universe is alive, which is called Isvara or Bhagavan.The stars move, the seasons change, rain falls, flowers bloom from one grain seed.The order of the living universe is called Dharma.
In Vedanta, the last chapter of Veda, it is said that knowledge of Moksha can stay only in the beautiful mind of the yogis who live in a life of Yoga. Even time and space can not confine me. Knowing that it is the true nature of oneself, yogis will get limitless freedom, Moksha.
This talks will be given by Swami ji who is the embodiment of Vedic culture. It is a very valuable opportunity to touch the essence of Vedanta directly. Come and join us.

***寄付についてのお願い We welcome donations of any amount***

○寄付受付 Donation form >>Here


The cost of planning the talk, preparation, running the event, Swamiji’s traveling to Japan, and providing meals on the day are all covered by donations. In India, there is a teaching and culture that cultivates a big heart for giving through donations and means. We look forward to your participation in the running of the event by making a donation on this occasion.  We would appreciate any tips you may have.



名前 アドヴァイタヴェーダーンタトラディッションジャパン

同銀行からのお振込 記号14490  口座番号 50190761

他銀行からのお振込 店名四四八(読み ヨンヨンハチ)店番 448

普通預金 5019076

Yucho bank

 Acc. Name:   Advaita Vedanta Tradition Japan

 From Yucho bank account:   14490-50190761

 From other banks:           448-5019076


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