参加するにあたって In participating


The lecture will be held in English, Japanese interpreters will be included.














5) 講話中の録音、写真撮影は固くお断りさせて頂きます。

6)  当日及び、前日の会場設営のセーヴァー(お手伝い)を募集しております。

イベント運営、来日に伴う費用、当日の食事提供は全て、皆様からのご寄付で成り立っております。インドでは寄付という手段で、与える事ができる大きな心を育くむ教えや文化があります。この機会に寄付という形での運営の参加をお待ちしております。 事前の振り込み、また当日も募集しております。皆様からのお心付けをどうぞよろしくお願いいします。



口座名 アドヴァイタヴェーダーンタトラディッションジャパン

同銀行からのお振込 記号14490  口座番号 50190761

他銀行からのお振込 店名四四八(読み ヨンヨンハチ)店番 448

普通預金 5019076



○About participation fee

Traditionally, we do not set up the reception fee etc.

Operating fees (5,000 yen per day) must be paid by bank transfer. Your reservation will be completed as soon as payment has been confirmed.

Operating fees have increased due to the recent rise in prices. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

The operating fees will be used to cover the overall costs of Swamiji’s visit to Japan.

・Anybody can sponsor Lunch by good will.
・You would donate Dakshina to the teacher directly.

1)Please pay the venue management fee  at the reception in the morning.

2) We are planning to do “Anna · Dana (free meal provided)” according to tradition. Those who wish to sponsor (donate meal fee), please consult the organizer. We will announce your name at the venue on the day. Anonymous is also possible. )

3) “Dakshina” is a way to express respect and gratitude to the tradition of knowledge and teaching of Veda, Vedanta. It can be said that it expresses the values that you found in traditional teachings. By this method called Dakshina, the correct attitude of the teacher and the student to the tradition of the teaching of Veda, Vedanta has been kept. The teachers who inherit the traditional teachings such as the former teacher, Swami, Dayananda Sarasvati carefully keep this traditional way of Dakshina. Prepare Dakshina in an envelope, and finally hand it directly to the teacher or put it into the Dakshina box.

4)Please bring any asana or rag for your seat.

5)  We will refuse recording and photography during the lecture.

6)  Please help us as donation and  sever.
If you can do it please contact us.

We are looking forward to see you.


From the teachings of Ahimsa, it is desirable to be a vegetarian in our daily lives. Please do not bring foods containing things other than fruits and vegetables (Ex. meat, fish, eggs, soup stock, extract, etc.) to each venue. In case you bring your own lunch and some snacks, please check the ingredients carefully.

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